Thursday, December 6, 2012
Type 5 & 3 Autism Treatment Method
Autism is a spectrum disorder (spectrum disorder) is characterized by limited social skills and communication.
Here are five types of autism according to the Autism Society of America:
1. Asperger's Syndrome
This type of disorder is characterized by a deficiency in social interaction and difficulty in accepting changes in your daily routine.
In Asperger syndrome, language skills are not too bothered when compared with other disorders.
Children who suffer from this type of autism is less sensitive to pain, but can not cope with exposure to loud noise or light suddenly.
Children with Asperger syndrome have average intelligence or above average so academically able and not problematic.
2. Autistic Disorder
Autistic disorder is also known as true autism or childhood autism because most developed in the first three years of age.
In most cases, affected children autistic disorder do not have the ability to speak and just rely on non-verbal communication.
These conditions resulted in extreme child withdraw the social environment and irresponsive.
Children do not show compassion or willingness to establish communication.
3. Pervasive Developmental Disorder
This type of autism include various types of disorders and are not specific to one disorder.
The severity ranging from mild to extreme disability. Generally diagnosed in the first 5 years of age.
In this disorder, non-verbal skills and effective verbal limited so patients are less able to communicate.
4. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
The symptoms of this disorder occurs when a child is between the ages of 3 to 4 years.
In the initial two years, the child's development appears normal and then all of a sudden regression occurred in communication, language, social and motor skills.
The child becomes lost all previously acquired skills and began to withdraw from all social environments.
5. Rett Syndrome
Rett syndrome is relatively rare and is often mistakenly diagnosed as autism.
This syndrome primarily affects women or girls who are marked by the growth of abnormal head size.
Rett syndrome is caused by mutations in a single gene sequence.
Early symptoms observed include loss of muscle control leading to problems in running and controlling eye movements.
Delayed motor skills and disrupt the body's every movement, leading to the development of stereotypical hand movements and leg and repeat.
Autism Treatment Method
To this day undiscovered cures autism.
The severity of autism varies from one individual to another causes no single treatment is suitable for all individuals with autism.
Following are the various methods of treatment of autism:
1. Drugs
Medicines can only help control the symptoms of autism.
Vitamins, nutritional supplements, antidepressants, and antipsychotic drugs showed positive results in treating autism.
2. Therapeutic Communication
Therapy helped initiate the communication and the development of non-verbal language.
Speech therapy and social interaction is often used to help overcome emotional barriers in communication.
Social stories are used to help autistic children understand the events, feelings, reasoning, and point of view.
3. Behavior Therapy
Behavioral therapy helps change repetitive behavior, inappropriate, and aggressive.
This therapy is done to help autistic children gain the skills needed to be able to blend in with the surrounding environment.
Various methods are used to treat autism, whether taken together or separately.
Applied behavior analysis skills by dividing into several stages and then teach it to children with autism
Giving gifts every child is able to perform a certain stage will help autistic children to learn by imitating (imitation).
Sensory integration therapy focuses on sensory stimulation through exposure to the taste, sound, or different textures.
Another method used is play therapy, which was the focus of emotional development.
This therapy is usually done by playing the roles of adults and children, as well as trying to develop social skills and social interaction.
Although not curable, early diagnosis with interventions can help children with autism to function better and improve their quality of life.
Herbal Tips: Eliminate acne and scars with Honey
If you have a lot of acne or acne scars on the face, of course you will try everything to make acne and scars soon disappear from the face.
Nature has provided the best remedy to cure acne and skin beauty care.
You can clean the skin holistically using natural products and eating healthy foods.
One of the natural products that can be used to treat facial acne as well as enhance and tighten facial skin is honey.
Honey can be used as a face mask to get rid of acne, acne scars, and reduces redness and irritation caused by acne.
Honey contains natural healing properties consisting of enzymes, antioxidants, and anti-bacterial properties that can help cleanse the skin.
In addition, honey is an excellent natural moisturizer. Honey can also reduce excess oil on the skin. Face mask made of honey is great for people who have sensitive skin.
Using honey 2-3 times a week as a face mask, would not only reduce acne and scars, but will also make your skin glow.
Here are tips using honey as a face mask to get rid of acne and scars:
1. Use bandanas to prevent hair flying into the face area before using the face mask of honey.
2. Remove all make-up and wash your face with a mild soap and warm water before use honey mask.
3. Pour one tablespoon of pure raw honey into a small bowl. If you want you can warm honey in the microwave for 10 seconds before using it.
4. Apply honey to use applicator or fingers that have previously been cleared. Apply honey with a thick layer all over the face area. Let the honey attached to the face for 15 minutes to an hour.
5. To get rid of honey, apply a small towel that has been dampened with warm water to the face. Repeat this process until all the honey is completely clean from the face.
You can use this honey mask 2-3 times a week or as you wish.
Beauty Tips: 9 Tips for Acne Free Face Smooth
Acne is a common problem in teens, although older age is also sometimes experiencing.
Acne can reduce a person's level of self-confidence.
The cause of acne is not so clear, but hormonal changes during adolescence and stress has been blamed as the cause.
Here are 9 tips for preventing acne:
1. Honey has many healing properties and cleaning. Facial pores can be opened by washing your face with water and apply honey afterwards.
After the honey smeared wait several minutes before rinsing with warm water. Face and then rinse with cold water to close the pores open.
2. Wash your face at least twice a day in the morning and before bed. Wash more often in summers to prevent oils accumulate on the face.
It is advisable to wash your face with warm water before applying soap because warm water opens the pores in skin allowing deep penetration of soap on the skin.
Do not use body soap on your face because it can clog pores causing acne.
After using soap, face should be rinsed with cold water to close the pores close.
3. Facial Toning - Most people forget to give toning the face. Toning is important to clean the rest of facial cleansers.
4. Give moisturizer on the face. People with oily skin should use oil-free moisturizer.
Meanwhile, people who have dry skin should use cream with extra moisturizer.
5. Expand eat fresh fruits, as well as vitamin supplements, chromium, and zinc (zinc) if needed.
6. Avoid wearing heavy makeup, especially in adolescents. Select the make-up based / berpelarut water, instead of oil berpelarut.
7. Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. Water is the best cleanser as it helps remove toxins from the body.
8. Do not use petroleum products such as hair oil or hair spray on your hair.
When the hair on the face, the oil will come and transferred to the face can cause acne.
9. Do not squeeze pimples. In addition to the healing process of acne becomes longer, this action would leave permanent scars on the face.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Efficacy Algae: Algae Know 14 Health Benefits
Algae are primitive eukaryotic organisms that do not have stems, roots, and leaves true.
Algae are primary producers in aquatic ecosystems and marine ecosystems.
Most types of algae are edible and have been consumed in various forms since ancient times.
This article will review the various health benefits of food products derived from algae.
Health Benefits of Algae
Research has shown there are many health benefits of algae.
Here are some of them:
1. Algae are known to have high concentrations of beta-carotene to help fight some types of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
2. Algae are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the emergence of free radicals and toxins in the body.
Antioxidants also help in the production of the enzymes needed to maintain the normalcy of bodily functions.
3. Algae have a lot of the enzymes that are easily digested. In addition, these foods are also useful to facilitate bowel movement thus preventing various gastrointestinal diseases.
4. Algae is considered as a source of complete protein because it contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins that are essential for the growth of hair, skin and nails.
5. Algae stimulate increased immune function because it contains amino acids, minerals, proteins, and vitamins. These foods help fight infection and enhance the body's detoxification functions.
6. Breast milk is known to contain GLA which is essential for infant growth and development. In addition to milk, only spirulina or blue-green algae that contains GLA.
7. Algae are known to effectively treat diabetes, anemia, liver disease, ulcers, allergies, exposure to radiation, and exposure to chemicals poisoning.
8. Algae ensure levels stay balanced nutrition for people who are on a diet as well as those who are in the process of detoxification of the body.
Amino acids that are present in algae are known to affect neurotransmitters in the brain that control appetite.
9. A balanced diet should consist of 80% alkaline foods and 20% acid foods. Algae is considered as a natural source of alkaline food.
10. Algae contains calcium and magnesium are essential for the growth of strong bones.
11. Algae have a high content of iron is useful for people who have anemia, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
12. Algae can help reduce anxiety and treat sleep disorders.
13. Algae contains zeaxanthin good for the eyes.
14. Regularly consume algae helps improve memory and increase concentration and focus.
There are different types of supplements such as spirulina algae and chlorella useful. These supplements are mostly available in powder, capsule, tablet
Drug overdose: Acetaminophen Poisoning Symptoms & Treatment
Toxicity of paracetamol (acetaminophen) could lead to mild symptoms of chronic symptoms.
Paracetamol is another name for acetaminophen is used as a pain reliever and fever.
A limited number, paracetamol is a drug that is actually quite safe for consumption.
Safe dose of paracetamol for adults is 1,000 mg per one consumer with a maximum dose up to 4,000 mg per day.
For people who drink alcohol, the maximum recommended dose is 2,000 mg per day.
Paracetamol is also safe for children. Doses for children are appropriate depending on the age / weight of the child.
Paracetamol Poisoning Symptoms
Effects due to paracetamol toxicity varies from one person to another, depending on their health condition.
People suffering from liver and kidney damage, an effect that may arise will be less severe than the liver and kidney functions were normal.
Here are the signs of overdose or paracetamol poisoning often occurs:
Loss of appetite
These symptoms appear 24 hours after the overdose. Usually there are no symptoms appear in the first 24 hours.
The reaction of paracetamol with the body occurs gradually. If the poisoning is not too much, usually someone just experiencing the symptoms mentioned above.
However, if the symptoms get worse and progress to the next stage, it is a sign of liver damage. The second stage occurs in the next 48-72 hours.
Paracetamol is metabolized by the liver which will then form the metabolite NAPQI. These metabolites are toxic to the liver.
When the metabolite NAPQI is formed and accumulated a lot of it will cause damage to the liver
Symptoms that may occur at this stage are:
Urination is reduced
Acute Renal Failure
Pain in the right upper abdominal
At this stage of the handling of health workers should be given immediately.
As soon as someone taking paracetamol in excess, either intentionally or by accident, handling to dispose of these substances should be given.
If it turns out the symptoms of poisoning has not been lost and continue to the next stage, you could say it was fatal.
The third stage occurs after 72 hours and can continue until the 5th day since the overdose.
Some of the symptoms are serious enough at this stage because it shows a high level of toxicity in the body.
These symptoms include:
Necrosis or premature death in living tissue or cells
Renal failure
Liver damage
Swelling in the brain
Multiple organ failure (multiple organ failure)
Often required liver transplantation for patients to survive this life-threatening situation.
That is why, it is advisable to immediately get treatment before the symptoms worsen.
Paracetamol Poisoning Treatment
The first step that must be done is to remove paracetamol from the digestive system.
If the potentially life-threatening, then rinse the hull needs to be done. Rinse the stomach takes about an hour.
Rinse the hull will be effective when done at least two hours after consumed paracetamol because it has not been absorbed by the body.
Antidotes for this case is acetylcysteine (acetylcysteine).
Acetylcysteine works to reduce paracetamol toxicity by replenishing (refiling) quotas body's antioxidant glutathione.
Acetylcysteine work effectively within 8 hours of the overdose patient.
The use of activated carbon is another way to cope with paracetamol poisoning.
Activated carbon will absorb paracetamol is in the stomach.
It is recommended not to use activated carbon with acetylcysteine as activated carbon can absorb these antidotes.
The last step to overcome paracetamol poisoning is a liver transplant. Usually this is only done in extreme cases and severe.
Prevention is always better than cure. So take any medicine in the recommended doses.
Although paracetamol is a safe drug, but it is the most common cause of poisoning and acute liver failure.
Avoid the use of paracetamol (acetaminophen) or other pain medications if you have liver or kidney problems, on an empty stomach, or have been drinking more than three alcoholic drinks a day.
It is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any medications to avoid unnecessary complications
Sunday, December 2, 2012
7 & 4 Causes Heart Palpitations Treatment During Pregnancy
Many women feel worried and anxious when experiencing heart palpitations during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, many women experience heart palpitations along with other symptoms such as headache, dizziness, bloating, constipation, and more.
Cause Heart Palpitations in Pregnant Women
1. Mental Stress
Heart palpitations in pregnant women may be due to the stress of pregnancy itself.
Many changes in the body and hormonal conditions can cause stress.
When a person is stressed, blood pressure rises, the heart beats faster, thus causing heart palpitations.
2. Changes in body
When a woman is pregnant, many changes occur in the body.
For example, the heart must pump blood fifty percent more than usual to meet the needs of the mother and the fetus.
This causes stress on the heart so that the heart rate changes.
Second, during pregnancy, progesterone levels in the body increases.
This hormone is responsible for making the heart beat so hard that a sufficient amount of blood to reach the uterus.
This condition will also cause pregnant women experience heart palpitations.
3. Excessive Caffeine Intake
Pregnant women who drink tea and coffee in excess can increase the heart rate because both contain caffeine.
Caffeine can cause symptoms similar to anxiety attacks, causing heart palpitations when consumed in excess.
4. Physical Stress
All women are encouraged to do physical exercise during pregnancy.
Physical exercise is done in excess will lead to physical exhaustion.
Physical fatigue can cause symptoms such as dizziness and heart palpitations.
5. Anemia
Anemia caused by red blood cell hemoglobin deficiency.
Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells.
Considerable amount of iron in the body is essential for producing hemoglobin.
When pregnant, the amount of blood in the body to almost twice that of the previous.
Increased amount of blood that forces the body to make more hemoglobin, so that the body's need for iron increases as well.
If the iron demand is not met, a person will experience anemia, and heart palpitations may occur.
6. Magnesium Deficiency
Intake of magnesium deficiency can cause heart palpitations during pregnancy.
A woman suffering from magnesium deficiency will usually experience symptoms such as vomiting and morning sickness.
7. Drug Side Effects
Drugs taken pregnant women can also cause heart palpitations as a side effect.
Nicotine and anxiety busting drug known to accelerate the heart rate.
Prevention and Treatment
1. Heart palpitations due to anemia
To prevent anemia caused heart palpitations, it is advisable to eat a diet rich in iron and vitamin C.
Some iron-rich foods such as raisins, apricots, prunes, green leafy vegetables, eggs, and liver.
2. Heart Palpitations due to Magnesium Deficiency
To treat heart palpitations due to magnesium deficiency, it is recommended to consume foods high in magnesium.
Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, whole grains, and green vegetables.
3. Heart palpitations due to stress
To cope with stress are encouraged to do deep breathing exercises, prenatal yoga, massage, aromatherapy, meditation, and listening to music.
4. Palpitations due to Medicines
If palpitations occur due to certain medications, immediately discontinue its use and replace it with other drugs that are more suitable to minimize the occurrence of heart palpitations.
Adequate rest, sleep eight hours each day, and avoid caffeine can overcome heart palpitations.
In most cases, heart palpitations during pregnancy is a normal condition.
However, if accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath, excessive sweating, dizziness, chest pain, or fainting, then it is no longer normal conditions.
If the condition occurs demikan immediately contact a gynecologist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
8 Tips Maintaining Heart Health
Want to keep your heart healthy and avoid heart diseases?
Below are 8 tips you can do to keep your heart healthy, as follows:
1. Drink Green Tea Without Sugar, Carbonated Beverages Leave
Self brewed green tea and take it wherever you go, be it to work or simply visit to the park.Green tea contains antioxidants that are good for heart health by preventing damage to blood vessels.Drinking two cups of unsweetened green tea a day has been proven to protect the heart health benefits.
2. Perform Relaxation
Perform relaxation routine every day can lower blood pressure and stress hormones that can wreak havoc on the heart and cardiovascular system.
Stop for a moment and take a few deep breaths, or stretch out and let your body relax. Doing meditation or yoga sessions will also provide benefits for the heart.
3. Eat Nuts Healthy
Replace your snacks with nuts to eat natural and healthy. Almonds, walnuts, and other nuts have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the bloodstream. Nuts are high in calories, so do not go overboard in taking them. Simply eating less nuts a day can help protect your heart with healthy fats.
4. Walk
Walking keeps the body moving, blood flow, and put fresh air into the lungs. A quick walk as far as three miles every day can help control weight, strengthen the heart, and promotes proper blood circulation.
5. Stop Smoking
We all know that smoking causes damage to the arteries and lungs. If you can not immediately stop, then subtract the amount. Any amount that decreases in smoking could help the heart stay healthy.
6. Qualified Night Sleep
Research has shown that lack of sleep at night can cause heart damage. Work activities can make the number of hours of sleep at night is reduced.
Lack of sleep cause you have twice the risk of heart attack. Sleep for 8 hours a day, some people may need more than 8 hours.
Sleep is when the body restore itself. If you have trouble sleeping, try deep breathing exercises just before turning off the lights.
People who get enough sleep more controlled weight and have better health.
7. Perform Strength Training / Sports Expense
Adding strength training or sports expenses as one exercise routine exercise can strengthen the heart muscle and help the heart to beat and pump blood more efficiently.
Although aerobic exercise should be part of the daily routine, weight training session can be done two or three times a week.
8. Stop Eating Fast Food
Fast food contains a lot of saturated fat, salt, sugar, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. Almost all fast food is not only harmful to heart health, but also can lead to chronic disease and obesity
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